Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chorizo Recipe


* 1- 3 smoked butt. ground very coursely
* 4 Tbs. salt
* 3 Tbs.dry oregano
* 6 mashed garlic cloves
* 3 tsp. crushed cumin seed
* 2 tsp. fresh ground pepper
* 2 tsp. sugar
* 6 Tbs. ground red chiles
* 8 Tbs. cider or wine vinegar
* 5 Tbs. water


1. Place ground butt in a large mixing bowl and add all the ingredients and mix very well.
2. divide up into 3 to 4 ounce servings and wrap in seran wrap, then place in a ziplock bag. will last for a week in the refrigerator or for 2 months in the freezer.
3. take 1 package and fry, breaking up into small pieces, for 3-4 minutes over medium-high heat.
4. beat 4 eggs well and add to sausage and scramble to you desired taste. This will serve two
5. can also be fried as a burger.used with cooked rice to stuff peppers.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Busy Busy Week!

It's a busy week for me...if i have so little time to be in my kitchen and invent some dishes..i always end up making a quick cold sandwich...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Weekend is here again....

We get excited when weekend is approaching. Why, for us working parents it is the day where we can stay late at night..maybe watch your favorite movie or go out have dinner with your friends...thinking that you don't have to get up early the next day... Or just the thought that you'll be spending a day with your kids...have a lovely breakfast or cook a marvelous lunch then go to the mall later in the afternoon...Preparing the day is sometimes stressful as it seems....cook your child"s favorite food or preparing something different. When I get stressed just thinking of menu's for the weekend I always ask for help from Mr. can find a lot of different recipes on the are some links that can help you out

1.Frugal Mom's Guide To Once A Month Cooking.
Once A Month Cooking Is A Hot Search Topic That Reduces The Cost, Time, And Effort In Meal Preparation. This Is Not Just Another Cookbook! This Unique Oamc Guide Provides Step-by-step Instruction, Forms, And Over 70 Delicious Recipes. Click Here!

2.Worlds Finest 5-Star Restaurant Secret Recipes.
Discover The Secret Recipes From The Worlds Finest Restaurants And Cook 5-Star Dinners At Home For A Fraction Of The Cost! Make Your Friends And Family Go All Wild And Gaga Over Your Food. Click Here!

3.Copycat Recipes Cookbook - DivineRecipes.
Over 750 Secret Copycat Recipes From Your Favorite Restaurants. Click Here!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Remembering 1973 musical movie "Lost Horizon"

I was still 5 or 6 then when the whole family went to the movies and watch Lost Horizon,a musical film. The songs is amazing and spiritually uplifting.Looking back i didn't even understand the story line but what I know for sure is im on cloud 9 listening to the songs and music. Dad bought a LP (LP is a bigger black version of today's CD) brought it home and we endlessly listen to it...But come to think of it the music was just part of the syndrome it is the time spent with Dad that make me feel on Cloud 9..I terribly missing you Dad.....

For more Lost Horizon music video go to

Pork Adobo (Humba) Bisaya Style

Yesterday I tried cooking Pork Adobo (Spanish for sauce) Bisaya(Visayan) Style. I just couldn't get the right taste and texture. So,I ended up opening google and looked for the right recipe.

Pork Adobo Popularly knows as Humba is a Visayan dish, Humba is basically cooked same way with adobo, it is a bit salty and sometimes sweetened with sugar. And a little oily and dry compared to other style of adobo.

Now im sharing you the perfect recipe.....

Cooking time: 45 minutes

1 k. pork liempo (belly), cut into big cubes
1/2 head garlic, crushed
1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 tbsp. brown sugar
3 pcs. bay leaf
1 tsp. peppercorns, crushed

Cooking Direction:

In a thick sauce pan put all ingredients add enough water to cover meat and bring to a boil. Set heat to medium low and simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until pork belly are tender. Remove all scum that rises, add more water if necessary. When pork skin turns to gelatine like texture. Correct saltiness and sweetness according to taste, set heat to low and continue to simmer until all the liquid has evaporated and pork start to render fat. Now cook the pork on its own fat until brown on low heat stirring occasionally to avoid burning the bottom.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Filipino Pasta Anyone?

Usually when you attend a Filipino party there will always be pasta on the dinner table....this maybe a macaroni salad,baked macaroni,spaghetti in red sweet sauce or any which way you cook your pasta. I assure you there will always be pasta... feeds thousands..less expensive but fill everyone's stomach ...again ...why...pasta is carb and it bloats once it is jumbling around your stomach...wallahhhh...everyone is filled...secret of a full happy party....

But for me I cook is still pasta, the same ingredients but it looks different...When we are invited to a party we usually think of what kind of food waiting for us..right? We even prepare ourselves hungry 1 hour before the said feast...But once we arrive and still see the same old chow we loose our appetite and decide to jump right into dessert.

Lasagna is a good solution...something new in the eyes...still fresh from the oven..enticing to the eyes...Im sharing you a short and easy steps to cook lasagna...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The history of cooking 2......

Im here clicking on my keyboard wondering how i would share my cooking sojourn should i start where I ended the last time....oh no... My son was still 7'll get bored ... and start thinking of clicking your mouse away from my page...i wouldn't allow you  to get jaded.

Let me skip the many years and lets jump into when I was really astonished  by my son's welcoming himself to the professional world of culinary....
Winning the Gold!
There he is at  18 and he is surely a champ.   Competing in New Zealand with other chefs and bagging the gold.  How proud Iam....well of course... i wouldn't pretend but somehow i got scared just a bit...questions just lurking around my thoughts.  would he still be requesting for his fav meal or still ask me to cook for him since we all know he is better cook than i am.... sigh....well of course he still will...I'm his mom and just the thought of him waiting for his hungry stomach to be filled by a prepared meal on the table is better than him cooking for himself...mothers am i right? hahahaha...

Lets start by me, sharing the difference of our cook books...These below are my cook books...1 is a magazine and the other  is a 300 page book and 150 pages of these are all pictures...and it is entitled  "Cooking a common sense guide"....commonsense lady commonsense...hehehe...

My party time cook book...mostly of my friends held their party in my small abode...I need this..have i used this? has given me a lot of ideas
This is my  commonsense guide cook book....I really need sense to have a mouthwatering meal for the visitors...

And this is my sons cook book a 700 hard bound book where all renowned chef worldwide have contributed their recipes....The frist time he showed this to me and ask me to cook something from this book...Have i understand it...nope....have i understand the jargons..nope....have i understand and pictured how the cooking goes...nope....oh my....i was lost.....but the nicest thing is he end up cooking for us....ohhhh if you were only here and see  how my guests just mesmerize his creation....

Why Filipino's go ga-ga over rice!

Good Day to you all!

I left off yesterday with why Filipino love to eat rice...let me start with a short definition.

Rice: A cereal grass (Oryza sativa) that is cultivated extensively in warm climates for its edible grain.
The starchy grain of this plant, used as a staple food throughout the world especially in Asian countries.

If you ask us Filipino's why we go ga-ga over rice...our reply....we just shrug our shoulders and smile.  meaning it is just question please....hahaha..unexplainable addiction. We eat rice for our breakfast,lunch and dinner. and of course our midnight snacks sometimes we enjoy cold steam white rice with scrambled egg and sardines or tuyo (dried fish)...hmmm....getting hungry? Filipino's can't survive the day with out having rice with their meal we go ga-ga....

But seriously ....Rice are carbohydrates and since Philippines is  a tropical country we need a lot of carbs more energy more sweat...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Martha Blog : Blog Archive : What do you know about rice?

The Martha Blog : Blog Archive : What do you know about rice?

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The history of cooking....

Why im starting this blog???? Hmmm..bored?alone?futile?needing attention?lonely?..HUH... dont get me wrong im not a psycho middle aged woman who is trying to get everyone's attention and pretend that you love me!!!!

I just want to share how is it to have a Chef son.... I love to i take the pleasure to cook for everyone and see how my family and friends enjoying every bite of my home cooked food. I say home cook because mainly i just cook for my ever loyal audience my family and friends.. Lets put it this way. I live in a busy city life world and everyone seems just doesn't have the time to romance their kitchen . Mostly they end up eating take-away from a Filipino or Chinese restaurant or pretend that they are enjoying a ready to cook food. But me... mmmm....I would rather cook my meal.

This is maybe why my Son decided to be a professional Chef. Oh How i love to think that way ..pretending that i have a good influence on him. But I know that he has his own reasons....I was just hoping.....(Son if your reading this please just is pleading...please) hahaha...

I vividly remember at 7 years old he knows how to take control of the kitchen. He sometimes cook for us of course with the help of his assistant. The stool... since he still small and couldn't reach the sink and the burner The stool became his best help. He started to experiment with scrambled eggs and perfected it until he decided to move on and jump to another recipe...ooohhh how i love to tell you how so many more of our kitchen adventures. Its getting late and still have to cook breakfast...yes ...we Filipino's cook and eat rice for breakfast...don't get shock will tell you why on my next blog.....